Sunday, 28 September 2008

September 2, 3398 8:25 PM EST -- Cerchio Corp. Logs

Log files pertaining to this date: 1

e.s.lamarre@cerchio project/mir/log/02093398
Subject has discovered existence of external networking through casual communication conducted near the subject; has revealed plans to access information thereon. Agreement reached that allowing subject uncontrolled information flow would be a CODE BLACK security risk, repeat HIGHEST ORDER security risk.

Suggested course of action to remove ALL networked devices from within access range of subject until further notice. This includes but is not limited to subject's quarters and adjacent surveillance quarters. Networked devices that cannot be removed must be made restricted-access by means of PHYSICAL security devices capable of withstanding localised overpressure of at least 5psi and localised temperature change of +/-500˚F/s. Security devices must be removed ONLY when authorised personnel are directly attending to the machines.

Emails pertaining to this date: 1



A memo will be circulating shortly laying out official company policy on what may be discussed within interpretable range of a non-human intelligence project owned by CERCHIO CORPORATION. The list of agreed topics WILL be exhaustive. Attend to this memo as soon as you receive it. Further directions to follow.


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