Sunday, 28 September 2008

December 27, 3397 -- Cerchio Corp. Logs

Emails pertaining to this date: 6



This just isn't looking good, is it?

Sorry to be so pessimistic, but I can't stop thinking about this. I guess I feel like shutting down the project is looking pretty inevitable. Especially since funding isn't infinite and we really don't have much to show for seven years of work. And I guess I just want to be emotionally prepared for that.

It's a strange request, but if we have to euthanise her, can I be the one to do it? I kind of want to make sure she goes out happy.



I think it's too early to say it's inevitable, but I understand wanting to be prepared. I think most of us would be a bit sad to see her go.

I'll try and keep this going as long as possible, for what it's worth, but sure, if it comes to it, you can be the one to do it. I don't have any objections to that.



Heh, perhaps we should throw her a last day party. If we don't need her as a weapon any more, may as well give her as much as we can before she has to go.

Unless you think that's too risky.



Probably not a great idea. It's not that I think there's a risk of her turning on us, but I think it's going to be better for most of us involved with the project if we're able to leave without ever having really related to her as feeling. I can understand that you don't feel that way, but I think it'll be better on most people's consciences if they don't have that kind of contact.

We don't want to be known as a company for running a project where most of the employees lost their sanity after they left. This project has already had a pretty high drop-off rate due to its nature.

Make your peace however you need to, though.



At the risk of asking a deeply personal question... how have you made your peace?

Not meant as an attack. I guess I'm just kind of curious.



I've just always believed it was worth it in the long run. A weapon like her could put an end to wars near-instantly if she's used right. In the long run, countless lives could be saved. It's not great that she has to suffer, but how many more would suffer needlessly otherwise due to prolonged wars? That's really why I started this project.

Kind of changes your feelings if she's useless, but I still don't regret that I tried, really.

And no worries. I didn't take it as an attack.


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